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ChartBuilder for PHP/MySQL

Embedding Charts and Creating Dashboards


Step 1: Select the 'Embed'  

Select the chart you want to embed in the ChartBuilder index.php page.  Select the 'Embed' link below the chart.

Step 2: Copy the chart.php URL
ChartBuilder can support multiple MySQL databases.  Edit the databases.php file stored in the /config folder using the example in the file as a guide.  Optionally, you can use the following advanced parameters as well:
Chart height in pixels.  If omitted, the chart will be 450px.  Use only number, do not include "px."
Chart width in pixels.  If omitted, the chart will be 600px.  Use only number, do not include "px."
If set to 1, the SQL for the chart will be displayed below the chart.
If set to 1, a data table related to the chart will be displayed below the chart.
If set to 'no', the timestamp will no be displayed below the chart.
If the constant 'AllowParamFilter' is set to 1 in library.php you can pass in a SQL where clause that will be appended to the chart SQL.  We recommend you only set 'AllowParamFilter' if you are using ChartBuilder internally and trust other users will not misuse the parameter.  At this time the filter is added to the SQL without evaluation.
If provided, ChartBuilder will override the database defined in the chart definition, and will attempt to query the database specified in the URL parameter.
If provided, ChartBuilder will override the datasource (table/view) defined in the chart definition, and will attempt to query the datasource specified in the URL parameter.
Step 3: Create an iFrame on Your Web Page
Create an iframe on your web page and set the src tag to the URL from step 2 above.