Creating Master-Detail and Tabbed Forms in Vivaldi
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Creating Master-Detail Forms

Master-Detail forms are compound screens that display a top-level tabular form ("master") along with up to three other forms below in tabs ("detail" or "child" forms).  The child forms all respond when a user clicks a row in the master form, and display related record(s) in the child forms.  The master-detail form is a "virtual form" in that you define each individual form using the standard Form Designer screen, then use the Master-Detail Wizard to link any forms you want.

  1. To create a new form, navigate to Forms > New Form Wizard in the menu.
  2. Select the "Master-Detail Form" button.
  3. Select the Master form and unique column for the form (usually the primary key).
  4. Select the detail form and column that relates to your Master form's unique column (usually a foreign key).
  5. Optionally specify a second form and related column.
  6. Now you can create a new menu item using the generated URL route, open the screen in a new window, or copy the URL to the clipboard.

Creating Tabbed Forms

Creating tabbed forms without a master header form is much the same as the steps described above for Master Detail Forms. Simply choose the Tabbed Form option in the New Form Wizard and choose the form you want to display in each tab. Because the forms are not linked as they are in the Master-Detail, there is no need to specify a unique column or related columns.

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