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Workflow Builder for Microsoft Access

   Product Features

Workflow Builder for Microsoft Access helps you automate repetitive tasks with far less Visual Basic coding than you would normally need if you were to develop a solution on your own.  With Workflow Builder, you get an extensive amount of pre-packaged functionality, allowing you to focus on the more complicated elements of your database.

Create unlimited multi-step workflows that execute over 30  of commands
Workflow configuration screen allows you to define the order of each step, what should happen during that step, and what should happen if the step succeeds or fails
Ability to have a workflow wait and retry a step if a condition is not met
Schedule your workflows to run at specific times
Workflow monitor console allows you to view precisely what is happening at each step of the process
All workflows are fully logged to a central log table or XML file for later reference
See your workflows graphically with the Workflow Visualizer
Execute workflows from within Workflow Builder, or invoke a workflow from your own VB code or macros
Support for up to four variables to be passed to a workflow to further control behaviour
Predefined keywords are replaced at runtime (e.g., you can indicate that Workflow Builder should look file(s) with the current month and day in the filename)
Perform mass imports of data files residing in a single directory
Supports the ability to pause a workflow for user input before proceeding to the next step
Supports the ability to import and export workflows and steps, giving you the flexibility to distribute your workflows to disconnected instances of your database
Create user screen wizards with the built-in Wizard feature
Copy/paste graphs to any other Microsoft Office product (e.g., Power Point)
Includes UI Builder - Enterprise Edition to provide a friendly user experience
Compatible with split databases (front- and back-end configuration)
Compatible with linked tables (Access, SQL Server, MySQL) and linked Excel files
Compatible with MDE and ACCDE formats
No additional installation required on a user's PC, no ActiveX dependencies, and no onerous deployment requirements
Full source code access
Incorporate into your own database, or run as a separate Access database application
Free access to the OpenGate Library, a collection of advanced MS Access tools
Free access to OpenGate's Microsoft Access Consulting Network, a group of consulting professionals with experience deploying databases using OpenGate products
Lifetime product support (no annual fee)
Lifetime product updates (no annual fee)



All editions of Workflow Builder are compatible with the following:

Microsoft Access 2000 (Vista/Windows 7 users please read this)

Microsoft Access 2002 (Vista/Windows 7 users please read this)

Microsoft Access 2003 (Vista/Windows 7 users please read this)

Microsoft Access 2007

Microsoft Access 2007 runtime edition (read our whitepaper on saving money with the free runtime)



Installation and Distribution

When you order UI Builder, you receive full access to the forms, tables, and modules that comprise the UI Builder product.  No installation is required on your machine, or your users (users must have one of the versions of Microsoft Access present on their PC, of course).  You can choose to operate UI Builder as a completely separate database with linked tables, or incorporate it into your own existing databases (which means no special steps are required to make your UI Builder-powered database available to other users).


More questions?  Contact us via email (



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